Touching Lives Through Sign Language & Music

Phone: 321-446-1802


Basic Sign Language Classes
Learning Sign Language

Instructed by:
Donna Hall and Lisa Ottalagano

Prices vary on amount of classes

Call for more information: 
Rock the Silence - 321-446-1802

Jane Talbot......."New Life is beginning this ministry.  I thank God that Rock the Silence was    able to perform and do a workshop for us to get us started on the right path.  I know by their coming, this is God's plan.  The Deaf will be reached in our area!  God is awesome!"

Christan Raxter.."As a musician, I minister to hearing people on a regular basis. Your                presentation has made me more aware of people that I am not reaching.  I am interested in discovering ways to make my music accessible to all people.  Thank you and may God continue to bless your hands."

Pastor Danny Gasperson..."I really appreciate the ministry of Rock the Silence.  As a past wanting to start a deaf ministry, you provided an opportunity for me to expose my hearing congregation to the potential of this mission field.  We all enjoyed the worship experience."

Judy Snider........"I now have a new and better understanding of signing and the Deaf community."

Jessica Laine....."I enjoyed learning more about Deaf/Hard of Hearing awareness.  It gave me a  desire to be involved in a deaf ministry."

Karen Pfeiffer......"I'm profoundly deaf, and this workshop was well worth our trip!  (1-1/2 hour      drive.)  What a blessing and privilege to know Donna & Lisa.  It was so exciting to meet them and discovered they are doing what I discover my purpose of ministry is (deaf ministry).  Love it! God Bless!"
ROCK THE SILENCE presents workshops on how to establish a Deaf/Hard of Hearing ministry.   We also offer workshops that will teach you Praise and Worship songs in sign.  There is a minimal charge for these workshops.   Call  321-446-1802.

Go to RTS store page
 for sign language classes 
on DVD details